What type of millinery design for the Oscars would you like to wear?
If you love hats and fascinators (and lets be honest – that may be why you’re here) you may understand this already. However if you’re someone who thinks “I can’t wear millinery to an event” – lets talk about why Lady Gaga’s millinery design works for her and how this relates to you.
This red millinery quietly and confidently speaks to Gaga’s entire look. It doesn’t speak loudly, it doesn’t grab your attention immediately – it gives prominence to Lady Gaga’s eyes and then quietly whispers and draws you to the back of her hairstyle. Collaborating while complimenting her make-up and hairstyle, the millinery balances an elegant embellishment without being overly bossy. The balance here is magnificent the millinery design does not distract or overwhelm Lady Gaga — I think this is absolutely brilliant!
Dare I say an event like the Oscars is no different then your wedding day or any other life marking event that you dress for. Yes the Oscars are grand and there are one billion people looking at you – and that’s a big deal, and yes the Oscars are produced on a different scale. However what is similar is that you will be photographed all day long. It’s perhaps the most important day of your life and it may be the biggest event you ever attend. Looking your best and feeling your best can be achieved with well designed millinery. Like Lady Gaga your millinery doesn’t need to overwhelm you or your fashion forward style.
Last week my blog posting was about how “….wearing bridal millinery (or any millinery design) punctuates a fashionable look”. Well thank you Lady Gaga for demonstrating this point at the Oscars!
What do you think? Do you like Lady Gaga’s millinery?